Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Irreplaceable Mr. Fuest-- R.I.P. Robert Fuest

Only minutes ago, I received the incredibly saddening news that British director Robert Fuest has died. Bob was a good friend, and one of the most engaging, funny, upbeat, and imaginative people that I've ever known. On the cover of the French DVD of Bob's film THE FINAL PROGRAMME, the movie is listed as part of a series called "Les Films Inclassables"-- "Unclassifiable Films." Bob's movies WERE that, and much, much more. But Bob himself was very classifiable: pure gold.

Bob's films were wildly stylish, unbelievably inventive, and backed up with a solid grounding in art and design. He never had to resort to aping other people's work-- like the other maverick English directors of his time, Bob created his own visual language. There never has been and never will be another Bob Fuest.

Shortly after my father died, Bob sent me his personal shooting script to THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES as a gift, and inscribed it "This is my script to Dr. Phibes which I think you should have (and I'm sure that Dr. Phibes would, too)." I nearly wept when it arrived-- it was the gesture of loving gentleman and true friend. He is irreplaceable.

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